Total Medals Earned: 292 (From 90 different games.) Total Medal Score: 4,605 Points
Medals Earned: 1/9 (50/355 points)
Get the max attack combo chain
Level up to the max level
Beat the game
Defeat Tom's Backup Plan
Beat the game without a helper
Beat the game without dying
Get 12 red coins in one game
Beat the game in under 5 minutes
Beat the game without getting hit
Medals Earned: 4/20 (30/495 points)
Cast your first spell
Get any spell to level 5
Get smacked by the kitty
Travel 5000 meters
Break through 50 obstacles
Travel backwards at least 500 feet in one run
Reach the stars
Bounce chicken 1000 times on the ground
Get 30000 experience from creatures
Get 600 experience from creatures in one run
Break through 5 obstacles in one run.
Get to wizard level 10
Travel 50,000 meters
Get any spell to level 10
Bounce chicken on ground at least 20 times in one run
Get to wizard level 20
Level all spells at least once
Travel 500,000 meters
Get any spell to level 15
Cast a power level 50 spell
Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/245 points)
Outrun the fuzz in level one
Lose the blues in level two
Break free from the PD in level three
Settle the score in level four
Make it out alive in level five
Refuse to get on the train for 60 seconds in level 5
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/215 points)
Complete 4 levels.
Complete 8 levels.
Complete 12 levels.
Complete 16 levels.
Complete 20 levels.
Complete 24 levels.
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/320 points)
Went on your first date.
Got stood up. FeelsBadMan.
You got fished by a cat!
Slapped a dinosaur.
Chimp stole your money!
Met your stalker.
Made a witch angry!
Taught an alien to love.
Been on 100 dates.
Finished a date with one move.
Learned all the dating moves.
Swiped left 1000 times.
Swiped right 1000 times.
Had 1000 successful dates!
Successfully dated your first soul fish!
In the arms of your Soul Whale.
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/80 points)
Score 200 points
Score 500 point
Score 1000 point
Medals Earned: 1/9 (10/320 points)
Doom: Get the chainsaw.
Heretic: Turn an enemy into a chicken.
Doom: Find the secret Military Base level.
Heretic: Find the secret level.
Heretic: Beat the first episode.
Hexen: Beat the demo using the cleric.
Hexen: Beat the demo using the fighter.
Hexen: Beat the demo using the mage.
Doom: Complete the first episode of Doom.
Medals Earned: 2/27 (10/500 points)
Burn your first building.
Burn a cow.
Burn 1,000 horse archers total.
Earn 1K gold.
Burn 100 puny humans in one run.
Burn 1,000 ballistas total.
Burn 250 mines total.
Burn 250 catapults total.
Shoot down 1000 airships total.
Max out all of the upgrades.
Burn 100 horse archers in one run.
Fly 3 leagues in one run.
Burn 500 puny humans in one run.
Earn 10K gold.
Burn 1000 buildings total.
Burn 50 mines in one run. [It doesn't count if you run into them.]
Burn 100 ballistas in one run.
Burn 50 catapults in one run.
Earn 50K gold.
Earn 100K gold.
Burn 100 buildings in one run.
Burn 2,500 puny humans total.
Shoot down 100 airships in one run.
Burn 1,000 puny humans in one run.
Burn 5,000 puny humans total.
Fly 8 leagues in one run.
Earn 250K gold. You've won the game already, we get it. You're amazing.
Medals Earned: 1/15 (5/450 points)
Customize your car's appearance in the garage
Complete a race against your ghost (enable in pause menu)
Earn a bronze medal on all A tracks
Earn a silver medal on all A tracks
Earn a gold medal on all A tracks
Earn a bronze medal on all B tracks
Earn a silver medal on all B tracks
Earn a gold medal on all B tracks
Earn a bronze medal on all C tracks
Earn a silver medal on all C tracks
Earn a gold medal on all C tracks
Earn a bronze medal on all D tracks
Earn a silver medal on all D tracks
Earn a gold medal on all D tracks
Earn all medals
Medals Earned: 4/9 (70/255 points)
Make it to the city
Pass between two cars without crashing
Get off the ground
Pass a checkpoint with 13 seconds left
Get off to a quick start
Make it to the end of the road
Finish without hitting anything
Finish in under 6 minutes
Finish in free ride mode